Conscientious Well Plugging

Protecting you and the environment by keeping your drinking water safe and pure

Unplugged abandoned wells are safety, health, and environmental hazards.  If such wells exist on your property, trust us to completely plug the old well and eliminate every danger it presents.  Although well plugging can be a messy task, we take pride in leaving your yard in the best condition possible when the job is done.

16ft diameter well in City of Ann Arbor

What wells should you plug?

Old wells that are not in use can allow pollutants to enter aquifers and contaminate drinking water for you and your neighbors. To protect OUR water supply please plug any well on this list…

  • Wells that are no longer used
  • Open wells into which children or animals might fall
  • Wells in such poor condition that it’s impractical to fix them
  • Wells that were partially drilled but never completed

Did You Know?

From 2007 to 2009, we were contracted to plug about 400 wells in one township. The water from those wells was contaminated by a herbicide used years ago on fruit orchards but is now considered a carcinogen.

In 2018, we were contracted by the City of Ann Arbor to properly plug an abandoned 16ft diameter well that was about 25ft deep.  This well was very unique to the State of Michigan; to our knowledge it was the largest diameter well throughout Michigan.  We plugged it by layering several thousand pounds of bentonite chips and fill sand.

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